13 Fantastic Friendsgiving Games

Gather together with your friends for a terrific Friendsgiving dinner party. Whether your event is casual or formal, these fun Friendsgiving games for adults, teens, and older kids make it absolutely awesome!

Here, you’ll find ideas, from ice breakers and simple dinner table games to hilarious party games that have everyone rolling on the floor laughing.

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13 fun friendsgiving games. A fall themed tablescape

1. Never Have I Ever

This is an excellent ice breaker game!

It works well if the guests don’t know each other well, but there is always something new to learn, even if they do.

Oh, the stories you’ll hear!

What you need:

  • 10 pieces of candy for each player


  • nothing, just use your fingers

How to play:

  • Give everyone 10 pieces of candy or chocolate chips. (Or hold up 10 fingers.)
  • Take turns making “never have I ever”-statements, for example, never have I ever jumped out of a plane.
  • Those who have done it eat one of their candy pieces. (Or they lower a finger.) Ask them to tell about the time they jumped out of a plane.
  • Once your candy is gone (or all your fingers are down), you’re out.

2. Sweet Talk

Sweet talk is another simple ice breaker game.

What you need:

  • a bowl of colorful candy or fun-size chocolate
  • game sheet (what each color candy or fun-size chocolate means)

For Example:

  • Snickers® – What makes you laugh?
  • 100 Grand® – What would you do if you got a 100K Christmas bonus?
  • 3 Musketeers® – Name three people who have made an impact on your life.
  • Almond Joy® – What is your favorite Holiday tradition?
  • Milky Way® – What is your dream vacation destination?

How to play:

  1. Give everyone fun-size chocolate or two. Or however many you think is suitable for the size of a group you have. (You could also ask the guests to pick a piece with their eyes closed.)
  2. Once the candy selection is made, take turns to share stories.

3. Who, What, Where

This is a fun Friendsgiving game for a group of friends who have known each other forever.

The question is, how well do you all remember the things you have done together.

What you need:

  • photos or mementos of the vacations, parties, jobs, schools, neighborhoods you have experienced together

How to play:

  • Show the memento and ask the players to identify the place, event, etc., it is about. Who, what, where.
  • For the pictures, show a small section at a time.

As a bonus, tell a funny or touching story related to the photo or memento.

4. I Thought of It Too!

Fall Party Games: I thought of it too. A team game for large group.

Do you know what your teammates think? Let’s find out in this fun Friendsgiving party game: I Thought of It Too!

What you need:

  • Game Sheet for each player (10 Thanksgiving/autumn-related questions.)
  • Pen for each player

 How to play:

  • Divide the guests into teams.
  • Give everyone a pen and game sheet.
  • Read one question at a time.
  • Each player writes down the first three things (or just one thing to make it more difficult) that come to their minds.
  • After each question, count how many people on each team have written down the same word.

 Points: If you have 5 or more people on each team, give points as follows:

  • 3 points for every word that 3 players have in common
  • 4 points for every word that 4 players have in common
  • 5 points for every word that 5 players have in common

5. What Would X Choose – This or That Fall Edition

Friendsgiving games: this or that. What would ... choose?

In this game, you choose one guest to be “it.” The others try to guess what she would choose. You can ask her to fill out the game sheet before or during the game.

What would X choose is a simple game you can play even during dinner.

Take a look at inexpensive and fun Printable Friendsgiving Games at our store Shop Relaxed Hostess.

6. Chameleon

Can you catch the Chameleon before it’s too late.

Everyone except the chameleon know the secret word. Use hidden codes and carefully chosen words to track down the Chameleon before he escapes.

This is easy-to-learn game is a fantastic board game for 3-8 players. Each game lasts only about 15 minutes.

Read more about Chameleon.

7. Trivial Pursuit: Friends The TV Series

Yeah, this only works if you know something about the popular TV series, Friends.

Grab Trivial Pursuit, Friends edition or pick any Trivial pursuit and play that as teams.

8. Pumpkin Bowling

This messy game is great for the outdoors. You can play this fun Friendsgiving game also the minute-to-win-it style.

What you need:

  • 10 bowling pins or 2-liter soda bottles filled with sand to make them harder to knock over
  • pumpkins

How to play:

  1. Set up the bowling pins and mark a throw line.
  2. Give each player a pumpkin or a couple.
  3. The players roll or throw their pumpkins to knock over the pins.

9. Cornhole

This premium cornhole game is an excellent addition to your yard game collection. The folding legs and nesting boards make it portable, so you can bring it along to other gatherings as well.

10. Candy Corn on the Cob

This is a perfect game to be played minute-to-win-it style.

What you need:

  • bananas
  • candy corn

How to play:

  1. Give each player a peeled banana and a bag of candy corn.
  2. They have one minute to push the candy corn in the banana to make it look like corn on the cob.

11. Candy Corn Transfer

Another funny Friendsgiving game is candy corn transfer!

How many candy corns can you transfer from one bowl to another with chopsticks. You only have a minute to do so!

What you need:

  • two bowls for each player
  • chopsticks for each player
  • candy corn or any other fall candy

How to play:

  1. Use the chopsticks to transfer the candy from one bowl to the other.
  2. Whoever moves most during one minute is the winner.

12. Call To Adventure

This Hero-building board game is perfect for a small group.

Acquire traits, gain allies, face challenges, and collect Destiny points.

Take a look at the Call To Adventure.

13. Mystery on the Mayflower

Turn the whole Friendsgiving into a mystery dinner party!

There are many mysteries to choose from, the one on the Mayflower sounds like a good choice for a Friendsgiving party.

It is for 12-30 players and the game time is about 1.5-2 hours.

Read more about the Mystery on the Mayflower. Another idea would be Peril at the Pumpkin Patch.

Friendsgiving Games Summary

Break the ice with fun games such as Never Have I Ever and Sweet Talk. Who, What, and Where game brings back lots of memories and fun stories of the past.

And the board games and minute-to-win-it games keep you all entertained and having a good time all night.

Play simple printable Friendsgiving games (categories, what would X choose, etc.) during the dinner and have a fabulous time.

Get Ready for the Holiday Fun

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