47 Hilarious Baby Shower Games

Fill the baby shower with comical moments! Play hilarious baby shower games and watch the guests burst into laughter.

But make it fun for everyone. If you have a guest who is uncomfortable playing these somewhat silly games, don’t pressure her. There often are plenty of volunteers to join these games, especially when the prizes are good.

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47 hilarious baby shower games.. a smiling bee in a honey jar
Image Credit: DrawStudio 1988, Sketchify Argentina/Canva

1. Bottle Time

How long has it been since you drank from a baby bottle? You’ll get to do that when you play this hilarious baby shower game!

What You Need

  • baby bottles, these are inexpensive 8oz bottles
  • beverage of your choice (water or juice works well)

How to Play

  1. Give each player a bottle filled with water.
  2. On the count of three or whatever you’re counting to, the contestants suck the water as fast as possible.
  3. The first to finish the bottle wins.

2. Bob the Nipples

This game is probably best for coed baby showers. I can’t see most women wanting to do this and risking messing up their makeup, but guys might just like this game.

What You Need

  • large buckets filled with water
  • baby bottle nipples

How to Play

Play like bob the apple.

  1. Place a few bottle nipples in the water bucket.
  2. The players must bob as many nibbles as they can in one minute.
  3. The one who bobs the most wins. Or the one who finishes first wins.

3. Diaper Change

It will be lots of fun to watch the teams complete this task!

What You Need

  • baby dolls
  • diapers
  • baby clothes (onesies, socks, hat)

How to Play

  1. Pair up the guests.
  2. Each two-person team holds hands so that one of them has a free right hand the other left hand.
  3. Their job is to put a diaper on the baby and dress him in onesies, socks, and a hat. Whichever team finishes the task first wins.
47 hilarious baby shower games. A playful panda hanging from a tree branch.
Image Credit: MahuaSarkar from Pixabay/Canva

4. Laundry Time

Fun baby shower games for large group: laundry time. A basket filled with laundry.

Loads and loads of laundry are waiting! Fun active baby shower games are perfect for the group that is here to laugh and make memories.

What You Need

  • clothesline
  • clothespins
  • laundry basket filled with baby clothes, washcloths, blankets, etc.
  • baby doll

How to Play

  1. Hang up laundry while holding the baby.
  2. Whoever hangs up most clothes in one-minute wins.

5. Waddle and Tinkle

We all know that pregnant mamas make frequent bathroom trips. In this game, you get to waddle like one…

Waddle and Tinkle game will bring rolling-on-the-floor laughs for the contestants and spectators.

What You Need

  • inflated balloons
  • coins
  • jars

How to Play

  1. Line up the guests at the start line. Place the jars at the finish line.
  2. Give everyone a few coins and an inflated balloon.
  3. The players stuff a balloon under their shirts and place a coin between their knees.
  4. Then they race… waddle to a jar holding the coin tightly.
  5. Once they get to the jar, they will drop the coin in the jar.
  6. Then they run back to the start to get another coin.
  7. Whoever finishes their bathroom trips first wins.

6. Dirty Diaper

This game is quite yucky, but some find it hilarious…

What You Need

  • diapers or napkins
  • various chocolate or baby food
  • pens and paper


  • mash a fun-size chocolate bar or baby food on each diaper; you could also melt the chocolate in the microwave for 10-15 seconds.

How To Play

  1. Pass around the diapers and ask the guests to guess what kind of chocolate or baby food is by sniffing or tasting it.

7. Surprise Diaper

Finding a dirty diaper is not always a bad thing.

What You Need

  • diapers
  • mashed chocolate or mustard for one diaper


  • Make one dirty diaper.
  • Roll the diapers (one diaper per guest) and place them in a basket or trash can.

How To Play

  1. Ask everyone to pick a rolled-up diaper but don’t tell them why.
  2. Then ask them to open unroll the diapers at the same time.
  3. Whoever got the dirty diaper is the winner.

Prize Ideas

  • chocolate
  • a bottle of mustard

8. My Water Broke

The race is on! Whose baby is coming first.

What You Need

  • ice cube trays
  • tiny plastic baby figurines (available in most party stores or dollar stores)


Prepare for the game at least the night before the shower.

  • Put one baby figurine in each ice cube slot. Fill the ice cube trays with water and freeze.

How To Play

  1. Each guest will get one baby ice cube.
  2. The one who gets the baby out of the ice first wins. They can do anything to get the baby out except crush the ice by biting it or stepping on it.

Prize Ideas

  • fun ice cube tray
  • lunch bag cooler
  • ice packs for cooler
  • ice tongs

9. Place the Pacifier in Baby’s Mouth

Who has not played one of these “pin something on something” games?

Kids find these games fun, and this would be a great game for a family baby shower. But this game can be pretty fun for adults, too, especially if you add sound effects…

What You Need

  • a large image of a baby
  • pacifier stickers
  • blindfold
  • a sound of a baby crying (optional)

How to Play

  1. Blindfold a guest and ask her to place a pacifier in the baby’s mouth. Play the crying sound in the background.
  2. Whoever puts the pacifier closest to the baby’s mouth wins.

10. Feed the Baby

This game is super silly, making it perfect for a couple’s baby showers. You’ll have guests making a mess and laughing with tears in their eyes.

What You Need

  • large bibs (trash bags work well)
  • applesauce or any other baby food
  • spoons

How to Play

  1. Divide the guests into teams of two. Each team has “a baby” and “a mom/dad.”
  2. Give each team a jar of applesauce and a spoon.
  3. Blindfold one or more teams at a time and ask them to feed the applesauce to the “baby.”
  4. Time each team. The fastest team wins.

Variation: Each team has two jars of applesauce and two spoons. And both are babies feeding the other applesauce.

Prize Ideas

  • applesauce
  • spoon

11. What’s for Dinner?

What's for dinner? Baby food baby shower game.

I don’t know about other baby foods, but the mango one is yummy!

What You Need

  • baby food in jars
  • pens and paper


Remove all the labels, and as you do so, write a number on the jar. Make sure to keep a list of the correct answers.

How to Play

  1. Put out all the jars, let your guests check out the food, and guess what’s inside each jar.
  2. The one with the most correct guesses wins.

Prize Ideas

  • potato masher
  • cookbook

12. Pass the Pacifier

This is a fun game for a large group and works well for coed or family baby showers.

What You Need

  • pacifiers with rings (at least one for each team)
  • straight straws (bendable straws don’t work as well), one straw for each team member
  • bucket

How to Play

  1. Form teams (each team should have at least 4 players).
  2. The teams line up, and everyone gets a straw. (They put the straws in their mouths. )
  3. Line up the pacifiers with rings up on a table.
  4. Start the race.
  5. The first person picks a pacifier with the straw and passes it to the next person.
  6. The team members pass the pacifier from person to person using the straws.
  7. The last person drops it in a bucket.
  8. The team that gets their pacifier(s) in the bucket first wins.

Prize Idea

13. Toilet Paper Diaper

A little bit weird game but… can be considered hilarious.

What You Need

  • a toilet paper roll for each team

How to Play

  1. Form teams.
  2. Give each team a toilet paper roll.
  3. Each team chooses a “baby” to be diapered, and they use toilet paper to diaper the baby.
  4. The team that finishes first wins.

Prize Idea

  • toilet paper, of course!

14. Pass the Dirty Diaper

Just pass it on as quickly as possible!

What You Need

  • a rolled-up diaper
  • music (maybe kids’ music or baby sounds)

How to Play

  1. Play it just like you would hot potato.
  2. Everyone sits in a circle, start the music and pass the dirty diaper around.
  3. Stop the music; the one holding the diaper is out.
  4. The last one in the game wins.

15. Diaper Dodgeball

Another fantastic game for Jack and Jill or family baby shower. This game might be too rough for a preggo mom… but she’ll have a tone of fun watching dirty diapers being tossed around.

What You Need

  • rolled up diapers or balls wrapped in diapers

How to Play

  1. Form teams.
  2. Arrange several diapers at the center of the court.
  3. Set a timer for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Each team rushes to grab diapers.
  5. Then they throw diapers at the other players to get them out while trying to dodge diapers the other team throws at them.
  6. If you get hit by a diaper, you’re out.
  7. The team that tags out the other team wins.

Prize Idea

  • a ball

16. Ready to Pop

ready to pop, baby shower games that make the party fun. Two balloons with strings.

This game can be rough so, be careful.

What You Need

  • balloons
  • string


  • Inflate the balloons and tie a long string to them. It should be long enough for the balloon to drag on the floor when tied around the ankle.

How to Play

  1. Give everyone a balloon to tie around the ankle.
  2. The goal is to pop the other guests’ balloons while protecting your own.
  3. The one with an un-popped balloon in the end wins.

Prize Ideas

  • balloons

17. Don’t Pop the Balloon

A hilarious game for coed baby showers. You’ll roll on the floor laughing, watching the guys with balloon bellies, trying to tie their shoes.

What You Need

  • balloons
  • shoelaces (optional)

How to Play

  1. Give everyone a balloon they need to blow up and put under the shirt.
  2. Without popping the balloon, they need to untie/remove/tie their shoes or paint toenails. Whatever you’d like them to do.
  3. The one who finishes the task first wins.

You might want to have some extra shoelaces for those who don’t have laces to tie. They could simply tie a ribbon around the shoe.

Prize Idea

  • fun shoelaces

18. Daddy Knows Best

A fantastic game to test how well dad knows the mommy and baby stuff. You’ll also find out how well mom can read dad’s mind.

What You Need

questions to ask


  • Record the dad-to-be answering questions about baby stuff.

Questions could include:

  • Describe mom-to-be’s mood during the pregnancy.
  • How many diapers do you think the baby will go through in a year? (an average 2,200)
  • What food does the mom-to-be grave?
  • What parenting skills are you bringing to the table?
  • What year you think you’ll buy the first minivan?
  • How many times a month you think you’ll hang out with your friends who don’t have kids?
  • Which grandparent will spoil the baby most?
  • What will mom’s first post-pregnancy meal be?

How To Play

  1. Play the video for mom and the guests.
  2. PAUSE the video after each question, so that mom-to-be can give the answer she thinks he will provide.

19. Who Is Watching the Baby

Keep an eye on the baby!

What You Need

  • baby dolls (tiny Kewpie dolls® work well)
  • basket


Put the baby dolls in a basket or doll crib and place a sign next to the basket:

“Please take a baby doll and hold onto it throughout the shower. You can hold it in your hand or wear it on your person, but if you put it down or if it falls off, someone else can snatch it. So hang on to your babies and be on the lookout for strays.”

How to Play

  1. Take a baby doll and hold onto it.
  2. If someone puts their doll down or drops it, take it.
  3. Whoever has the most dolls at the end of the game wins.

20. Diaper Toss

It’s all about diapers, baby!

What You Need

  • diapers
  • trash can


  • Put a bean bag inside for extra weight… or simply pour some water on them.
  • Roll up the diapers.

How to Play

  1. Toss diapers into a trash can.
  2. The one who gets most diapers in the can wins.

Prize Idea

  • pretty trash can

21. Diaper Catch

Watch out! There are diapers everywhere!

What You Need

  • diapers
  • trash can

How to Play

  1. Divide the guests into teams of two players.
  2. One throws diapers, and the other catches them with the trash can.
  3. The team that catches the most diapers in a minute wins.

22. Bottle Shake

A cute game for a baby sprinkle.

What You Need

  • baby bottles (no nipples)
  • piece of paper
  • sprinkles


  • Fill one bottle with sprinkles.
  • Cover the opening with a piece of paper or cardstock.
  • Puncture a hole in it.
  • Place another bottle on it upside down.
  • Tape them together.

How to Play

  1. Players try to shake the sprinkles from one bottle to the other.
  2. The one who does it fastest wins.

Prize Idea

  • sprinkles

23. Toss the Nipple

Tossing a bottle nipple is way easier than catching it, especially with a chopstick!

What You Need

  • baby bottle nipples
  • chopsticks, skewers or baskets

How to Play

  1. You need teams of two people.
  2. One team member throws bottle nipples, and the other tries to catch them with a chopstick or a basket.
  3. The team that catches most nipples wins.

Prize ideas

  • chopsticks
  • skewers
47 hilarious baby shower games: laundry time, the lost sock, diaper catch. A smiling bee holding a flower bouquet and a honey jar.
Image Credit: Drawstudio 1988 and Sketchify Korea/Canva

24. The Lost Sock

A bag with lots of pockets is awesome. But can you find the lost sock hidden in it?

What You Need

for each team:

  • baby sock
  • diaper bag (or a purse with lots of pockets)
  • baby clothes
  • wash cloths
  • blankets
  • snacks
  • toys
  • etc.


  • Fill the diaper bag with baby items.
  • Hide a sock somewhere in the bag.

How to Play

  1. Each team tries to find the hidden sock.
  2. The team that finds it first wins.

Prize Idea

  • fuzzy socks

25. Ducks in the Tub

It’s time to get those ducks in the tub.

What You Need

  • rubber ducks
  • baby bathtub


  • Fill the tub with water (optional)

How to Play

  1. Ask the guests to toss ducks in the tub.
  2. Who gets most in wins.

Prize Ideas

  • bath bombs
  • bath pouf

26. Babysitter

What You Need

  • balloons
  • paper slips


  • Write letters B-A-B-Y on paper slips.
  • Put the letters in each balloon and inflate it.

How to Play

  1. The players pop the balloons by sitting on them
  2. They arrange the letters to form a word.
  3. Whoever spells BABY first wins.

27. Baby Outfit

Get the baby’s outfits ready!

What You Need

  • laundry basket
  • baby clothes
  • outfit guide


  • Create an outfit guide. Write down which pieces the players must find for each outfit.
  • Fill the laundry basket with baby clothes.

How to Play

  1. Give each player the outfit guide or place one near the laundry basket.
  2. The players must find the pieces for the outfits.
  3. The one who finishes first wins. Or the one who gets most outfits done in a certain amount of time.

Prize Ideas

  • socks
  • scarf
  • gloves

28. Sugar Baby

A little bit of sweetness goes a long way.

What You Need

  • sugar bowl
  • spoon
  • gummy letters or alphabet pasta


  • Fill a bowl with sugar and hide gummy or pasta letters in there.

How to Play

  1. The guests will use a spoon (holding it in their mouth makes it more challenging) to find the letters B-A-B-Y in the sugar.
  2. The one who finds them first or in the shortest amount of time wins.

Prize Ideas

  • sugar babies candy
  • sugar
  • alphabet pasta

29. Rice Game

This game is more complicated than you’d think and will lead to lots of giggles and laughter.

What You Need

  • a large bowl
  • a bag of rice (uncooked)
  • small safety pins
  • blindfold


  • Pour the bag of rice in the bowl.
  • Stir in the safety pins.

How to Play

  1. Give everyone a specific amount of time, like 30 seconds, to find as many safety pins as they can.
  2. Blindfold the player and ask her to find the safety pins.
  3. The one who finds the most wins.

Prize Ideas

  • a bag of rice
  • rice cook book
  • safety pins

30. Pacifier Skewer

What You Need

  • chopsticks or skewers
  • pacifiers with rings

How to Play

  1. Use a chopstick to pick up pacifiers from a table. Some make this more challenging by asking the players to hold the chopstick in the mouth.
  2. The one who picks up most wins.

Prize Ideas

  • skewers
  • skewers recipes

31. Toy Sling

What You Need

  • toys (stuffed animals work well)
  • blanket
  • basket

How to Play

  1. Form teams of two.
  2. Give each team several stuffed animals.
  3. Place a basket on the other side of the room.
  4. The players hold the blanket from the opposite ends and place a toy on it.
  5. They use the blanket to fling the toy into the basket.
  6. The team that lands most toys in a basket wins.

32. Baby Wipes

No need to waste expensive baby wipes, get some from dollar store.

What You Need

  • baby wipes packages or tissue boxes

How to Play

  1. The player pulls out the wipes with one hand.
  2. Whoever empties the package first wins.

33. Playdough Babies

Let’s find out who still knows how to create things with playdough.

What You Need

  • playdough or craft clay
  • tiny strollers (optional, you find these at many dollar stores)

How to Play

  1. Give the players some playdough to sculpt a baby.
  2. The mom-to-be will judge which playdough baby is the best.

Prize Ideas

  • playdough
  • craft clay

34. Bottle Bowling

How about bringing the popular sport, bowling, in the baby shower!

What You Need

  • baby bottles
  • ball

How to Play

  1. Just like bowling.

FREE Sunflower Baby Shower Games

Sunflower baby shower games and wishes for the mom and dad card, wishes for the baby card. Printable sunflower baby shower games. Vintage sunflowers, wagon, fence.

Entertain the guests with fun games and activities.

This FREE set has 30 printable baby shower games, advice and wishes cards for the mom and dad, and wishes for the baby card.

Take a look at the free printable sunflower baby shower games.

35. Make a Paper Baby

These paper babies will look interesting…

What You Need

  • paper

How to Play

  1. Ask the guests to hold the paper behind their backs and tear out the shape of a baby.

Prize Ideas

  • a stack of paper
  • notebook
47 hilarious baby shower games. A cartoon baby riding on a happy cow in a flower field.
Image Credit: Gstudioimagen, Canva PH from Canva, SleptArt from Creative Fabrica

36. Baby Item Box

What You Need

  • a box (or a diaper bag)
  • baby items


  • Cut a hole in a box. Big enough for the guests to reach in and feel items.
  • Fill the box with baby items.

How to Play

  1. Give each guest 20-30 seconds to feel what’s inside.
  2. Ask them to write down the items.
  3. Whoever gets the most correct wins.

37. Don’t Drop the Baby

What You Need

  • eggs (boiled or raw… depending on how much mess you want to clean up)


  • Draw a face on the eggs.

How to Play

  1. You need teams of two.
  2. Give each team an egg.
  3. Have them stand toe to toe and pass the egg-baby from one player to the other.
  4. If they don’t drop the egg-baby, they each take one step backward and pass it again.
  5. They keep repeating the above until one of them drops the egg-baby.
  6. Teams are out when they drop their egg-baby.
  7. The last team with a baby wins.

Prize Ideas

  • eggs
  • chocolate eggs

38. Left Right Story

What You Need

  • left right game
  • gift


If you don’t buy a ready made story, then write one with lots of left and right words in it.

You could also simply read a story from a book and randomly add words left or right in it.

How to Play

  1. Everyone sits in a circle.
  2. Read the left right story.
  3. Whoever is holding the prize will pass it left or right when she hears the word.
  4. The last one holding the prize gets to keep it.

39. Baby Pictionary™

What You Need

  • whiteboard and markers
  • OR paper and markers
  • easel for holding the whiteboard (optional)


Write a baby-related words or phrases on paper slips.

How to Play

Just like any pictionary.

  1. A player picks a paper slip and draws the item or whatever is written on the paper slip.
  2. The others guess what it is.

Word Ideas

  • crib
  • rattle
  • pacifier
  • bottle
  • high chair
  • teddy bear
  • baby bath

OR phrases

  • rocking a baby
  • looking for a lost sock
  • feeding peas to the baby

40. Explain It

What You Need

  • list of baby-related words or pharses

How to Play

  1. Divide the guests into teams.
  2. One person picks a word or phrase and tries to explain it to the others.
  3. The team that guesses the most words wins.

41. Telestrations™ – Draw the Phrase

What You Need

  • baby-related words or phrases
  • spiral notebooks
  • pens


Write baby-related words on index cards.

How to Play

  1. Each player picks one index card and draws in a notebook whatever is on the index card.
  2. Then, she passes the notebook to the next person.
  3. This player will write down on the next page what she sees in the drawing and passes the notebook to the next player.
  4. This person now draws on the next page what the previous person wrote down and so on.
  5. In the end, the notebooks end up back to the person who drew in it first.
  6. Take turns showing the pages to others. It is amazing how much changes in the way. A simple word turns into entirely something else.

42. Baby Tunes

What You Need

a playlist of kids’ songs and lullabies

How to Play

  1. Play each tune for a short time and ask the guests to identify it.
  2. One point for knowing the song title two points for naming the artist.

This game can be played so that everyone writes down the answer and whoever has the most correct wins or that the first one (or team) to know each tune gets the point; the one with the most points wins.

43. Baby Artist

This game always brings smiles to everyone’s face. Even those who are not artistic find this game entertaining.

What You Need

  • paper plates
  • pens


  • Decide what you want the guests to draw.
  • You could simply ask them to draw a baby; or make it more complicated and ask them to draw a nursery.

If you go with the nursery idea, describe it one item at a time; draw

  • a crib
  • a rocking chair next to the crib
  • a dresser
  • a teddy bear in the crib
  • a pillow on the rocking chair
  • etc.

How to Play

  1. Give everyone a paper plate and a pen.
  2. Ask them to hold the plate on their heads while drawing.
  3. Tell them what to draw. If you go with the nursery ideas, describe it one item at a time:
    1. draw a crib
    2. a rocking chair next to the crib
    3. a dresser
    4. a teddy bear in the crib
    5. a pillow on the rocking chair
    6. etc.
  4. Admire all the fun drawings.
  5. Everyone is a winner! Or you could randomly pick a winner.

Prize Idea

  • paper plates

44. Pacifier Hunt

What You Need

  • cheap pacifiers (or good ones… in packages if you give them to the mom later)


  • Hide pacifiers in the party area.

How to Play

  1. Ask the guests to look for the pacifiers, and whoever finds the most wins.
  2. You could also ask each guest to find specific pacifiers, and whoever finds hers first wins.

45. Baby Charades

What You Need

  • a list of words or phrases (could also be kids’ books or songs)

How to Play

  1. One person acts, and the others guess what the word or phrase is.
  2. You could also play it the way that several people act, and the mom tries to figure out the word.

46. Preggo Twister™

The mom-to-be gets to be a spectator in this game.

What You Need

  • Twister game
  • balloons

How to Play

  1. Just like twister but with an inflated balloon under your shirt.
  2. If your balloon pops you’re out.

47. A Day in the Life of a Mom Race

What You Need

  • Obstacle course items


  • Prepare the obstacle course.

Obstacle Course Ideas

  • change the diaper
  • get baby dressed
  • put the baby in the stroller
  • go to the store
  • grab a few items from the store
  • change the diaper
  • find a pacifier from a diaper bag
  • go home
  • mash sweet potatoes
  • rock the baby
  • put the baby down for a nap

How to Play

  1. The guests go through the “mom’s day” obstacle course.
  2. The one who is the fastest wins.

Prize Idea

Gift card to a coffee shop or spa

Plan a Fantastic Baby Shower with These Ideas

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